This painting has been quite a challenge for me and I’ve learned a few things I find quite interesting. The more imperfections I caused it to have the more I seemed to like it.
Here’s what it looked like to begin with…..
For some reason it just bothered me and I couldn’t figure out why. It wasn’t a perfect square outline, which I like the imperfection there. I sat back and studied it for awhile and decided it was the light blue clouded area, the outline was just too perfect. I worked awhile on it and just couldn’t get that perfect outline off of the painting.
I knew what I was going to have to do to make this painting more pleasing to look at, but I just kept putting it off. I was afraid after all my hours of work on it that I was really going to mess it up when I started sanding it. But that’s what I wanted to do and that’s what I did. The more I sanded it the better I liked it. Sometimes those hard lines need a lot of elbow grease and sand paper to get them out. I’m thinking the same can be said for out lives.
On the painting:
To create this painting use three pieces of old wood prepared with two coats of white gesso and lightly sanded. To achieve the colors use these for the rose – Apple Barrel by Plaid Acrylic , Pale Daffodil, Bright Yellow and White.
For some of the darker areas on the rose use Staedtler watercolor pencil No. 16
For the wispy stems on the small white flowers use English Ivy Green acrylic paint again by Apple Barrel Plaid.
Use the same green for the stem and foliage on the rose along with Lime Tree and White by Apple Barrel Plaid.
The sky was achieved by mixing Aple Barrel Plaid Acrylic Paint, Turquoise and White.
Using a paper doily stencil, create a light layer using Turquoise and white to dab the design on around the outside edges.
I hope you enjoy giving this a try.
I was wondering if God looks at our lives in the same fashion; standing back and studying about just exactly what we might need to help us become more pleasing to Him. What might He do next in our lives to bring about a more positive or pleasing result?
Like this painting, I have had quite a bit of sanding and, I might add, chiseling too. I am glad that God knocked me down several notches and shook “stuff” out of me that wasn’t pleasing to Him. Now that we have established what I should not be doing, God and I are working on what I SHOULD be doing.
Happy Painting!