Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Art: Giving or Selling




More and more I keep feeling like I just want to give my art away.  I had a lot of questions for myself about that.  Well, how will I ever make any money that way? That was the main question.  Money!  Don’t really like having to have it or starve, but it is unfortunately, a fact.  I’m not that crazy about eating but I know I have to.  I’d rather buy art supplies or give to someone who is struggling.  I have struggled most of my adult life and I know how that feels.  I know how it feels to have someone help you that did not do it in God’s name, but to, in the end, get what they could from you by holding it over your head that they helped you.  So having struggled, I have this urge to help others or give in some way, even if it just brings a smile to their face and nothing more.  And perhaps that’s why I struggled, so I could learn.

I’ve tried to sell my art, but honestly I haven’t put all I’ve had into that, because I wasn’t sure if that’s what I really wanted to do with it.  So I’ve decided that I don’t think selling it is really what I want to do with it and here’s one example why…………….

God gives us ideas, it’s up to us to follow through.  This idea about not selling my art has been tugging at my heart for quite some time.  I had someone in mind a couple of weeks ago that I’d like to give a painting to.  I was thinking if I give it away I won’t get any money for it.  I could use the money.  But God kept tugging and tugging.  This lady where I work is one of the sweetest ladies I know at this time in my life.  She is constant, she works hard and suddenly, I just kept thinking of her and how I’d like to give her something.  I knew she loved flowers, so I started painting with her in mind.  I struggled and struggled with giving it to her the whole time I was painting it.  Even up to the very minute I handed it to her I was wondering if I was doing what God wanted me to do with this urge to paint and be creative He has given to me.  I was really stressed about it, what if she didn’t like it?  Some people would think it was kind of weird to just walk up to them and give them something out of no where for no reason.  And I just almost backed out.  But……………………..

When I gave her the picture, I explained that I just wanted to give her something and that I thought a lot of her.  She cried!  She love it and was appreciative of me thinking of her.    Here’s what I gave her………

DSCF1845 (741x800)


As I walked away, she was showing it to others with tears still in her eyes and I was thinking about how that reaction was worth so much more than any amount of money.

Thank you Lord for leading me to do this for this lovely lady.  Thank you for showing me that there are more important things than money.  Yes I would like to quit my job at the factory and just sit and paint.  I’m thinking that is not what God wants for me right now, maybe later, but not right now.  One day when I retire, I will be free to go to art and craft shows and sell art to help me make it financially through the rest of my life here on earth.  But for now, I am learning the meaning of giving and how to be fulfilled through the act of giving.

So I’ll just keep giving the originals away to those who touch my life or those God lays on my heart.  Hmm, I wonder who my next victim will be?

But here’s a pretty neat idea.  I have a little spot online where I upload pictures of my art.  There, people can purchase prints if they like.  So far, no sales.  For awhile I stressed about it, but you know what?  I’m thinking that’s not what it’s all about any way.


Matthew 6:19-21

New King James Version (NKJV)

Lay Up Treasures in Heaven

19 “Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal; 20 but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. 21 For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

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